Born in Michigan, USA. After graduating from Kyushu University’s 21st Century Program, he completed his doctoral studies at Kyoto University. He specializes in environmental economics, urban engineering, and sustainable investment. He is a co-founder of Itoshima Mini Hydro Energy Company (co-founder) and aiESG (co-founder and chief researcher), a start-up company from Kyushu University.
After working for the International Energy Agency and the World Bank, he will be an assistant professor at the Faculty of Engineering at Kyushu University from 2020 and an associate professor from 2023. Since his arrival at Kyushu University, he has been conducting research with Dr. Shunsuke Managi, the lead author of the United Nations “Inclusive Wealth Report,” focusing on sustainability assessment of national and local governments, and sustainability assessment at various levels, including companies and products. He has been involved in research projects and made proposals to the G20 as a Principal Investigator of “ESG and Corporate Value” funded by the Ministry of the Environment, and as Co-Unit Director of the Social Engineering Unit of “Moonshot for beyond Zero-Emission Society (MOZES)”, a Moonshot-type R&D project of the Cabinet Office. He is a member of Task Force T20 (FY22, FY23) and is involved in international dissemination. In addition, he co-founded aiESG, the first university start-up to implement ESG research results in society, and is currently working to bridge research and practice.